Crossing Over with Confidence
In my current Bible study on the book of Hebrews, the question was asked, "what does it mean to "hold fast our confidence" that Hebrews 3:6 speaks of?
....And we are his house if indeed we hold fast our confidence and our boasting in our hope."
The writer of Hebrews was encouraging those who read or heard his words to trust. I thought about this in regards to concrete things we put our confidence in on journeys through life. This was the answer that came to me about what it means to hold fast our confidence.
TRUST and keep trusting. You start off over a bridge because you are confident it will carry you over to the other side. Don’t stop trusting that once you have begun the journey. You started over the bridge assured that it would hold to the other side. The journey may get shaky in the middle and may cause you to consider again why it was you trusted in the first place. When you remember that you didn't enter in lightly, but counted the cost, you then have the courage to cross going forward without wavering or turning back.
When we live our lives with this confidence then we can boast of our hope to others who have no hope, those who have no confidence that they will make it to the other side. When we remember Jesus, the foundation of our faith, the Source of our life, we are confident we will call out to others, come alongside them to bolster their courage on their journey.
That is what I think the writer is trying to do for his readers/listeners in the book of Hebrews. They began their journey but their confidence was wavering. So the letter to the Hebrews arrived and their eyes were turned from the incredible circumstances that must of been their lives (this was shortly before the destruction of the temple) back to the truth of the Christ, our Savior who had fulfilled the requirements of the sacrifices being offered in the Temple. Which house (Moses' or Jesus') was theirs? Oh, how they needed "to hold fast" to Christ!
An exhortation for the first century, is now a exhortation to us. To choose not live with our confidence in Christ is to live with insecurity, without vision, fearful, always second-quessing life and its choices. It leaves us unable to come alongside others to bolster their courage.
Let us put our confidence for the journey in the One who gave His life and destroyed the power of death so that we can live in hope all the way to the other side.
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