Real at Mid-Life

Maggie is contemplating mid-life too.

This is my real:

I feel deeply. I love deeply. But I don’t express either very well.

I am passionate but often lonely.

I am not depressed. I am just not sure how to live in this gap in my life.

I enter into the opportunities God sets before me. Sometimes they are many. Sometimes there are few.

I seem to be waiting a lot. And I know that at times I forget what is important---that I am blinded by what is right in front of me, the next thing.

Mid-life is a surreal wake up that crept up and surprised me, leaving me with so many questions about the past and the future.

I don’t know that I have adapted to this techy world of communicating by texts and emails and facebook posts. 

Despite all this, I wouldn’t change anything. Nothing. Because this life is a gift and I may only have this day to breathe the air of this earth.

I am thankful that the air I breathe is not polluted, that fresh water runs from my tap. I am thankful the floors that I will sweep today are not dirt. I am thankful that I don’t have to feel guilt over that because this is the real life God gave me. 

I am also challenged that my place in this world calls me to greater responsibility to those whose realities are much different than mine.

And I am like a watchman on a wall, looking into the horizon. A new day is dawning. I will walk into the second half of my life with more wisdom, more intention, and more compassion than ever before.


God is real. And He really loves me----He really loves the world. 

I hold out my hands and my heart----pray, “Lord, fill me up. Pour me out.”

He has and is....

Writing today on the Gypsy Mama's writing prompt: REAL
