Last Thoughts: A Final Blog Post
“One of the remarkable things about the gospel is that it is always bringing us down to the lowest point. We must stand in utter humiliation in order for God to minister to us. All human pride must be brought low before Him before we can receive what God wants to give us from His hand.” (Ray Stedman, commenting on John 13:8) The struggle with humility is real when it comes to emotional and spiritual growth; yet, it is an essential posture to growing “to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.” A trap that the modern western church has fallen into over recent years is thinking maturity in faith comes to us without our involvement—that believers believe, and God by His Spirit will take care of the rest. This often unspoken idea denies many of the instructions of the New Testament including picking up our cross daily (Lk. 9:23) and setting the mind on things above (Col 3:1). Our faith is intended to grow and we are to participate in the process. The apostle Paul...